Artists management

- Geigerin, Pädagogin, Konzert- und Künstlermanagerin.
- Gründerin des Vereins «Musical Discovery» in Zürich (1995).
- Inhaberin der Firma Künstler- und Konzertmanagement Nina Orotchko.
- Organisatorin und künstlerische Leiterin der Konzertreihe «Musik an der ETH» (seit 1995; seit 2018 – «Musik an der ETH und UZH»)
- Tätigkeit im Bereich Konzert- und Künstlermanagement. Organisation und Durchführung von verschiedenen Orchestertourneen.
- Gründerin und künstlerische Leiterin der Internationalen Sommer-Klavierakademie, Schweiz (seit 2001).
- Zusammenarbeit mit der Rachmaninoff-Stiftung.
- Seit 2007 – Mitglied des Stiftungsrats der Stiftung Petersburg (Zürich) und Mitglied des Organisationskommitee des Internationalen Jugend-Tschaikowsky-Wettbewerbes.
- Mitglied der Worldwide Association of Female Professionals

Elena Ivanova is a professional musician; she graduated from the Gnessin State Pedagogical Institute (Academy of Music) by specialty choral and solo folk singing, conducting and pedagogy.
After completing her concert and performing career, she dedicated herself to organizing and holding tours and concert events of the Moscow State University of Culture and Art and Mosconcert (
She continued her work as artistic director of the Cultural and Entertainment Center “Golden Palace”, head of the troupe of the State Theater of Film Actor ( and major specialist in concert work of the Moscow Regional Philharmonic Society (
Currently she collaborates with the State Academic Theater “Russian Song” (
She has extensive experience in working with pop, folk and classical performers, concert organizations and festivals, is the initiator and organizer of concert tours.
Elena is interested in exchanging cultural events and projects between Russia and the West.
Елена Иванова является профессиональным музыкантом; она окончила ГМПИ им. Гнесиных (академия музыки) по специальности хоровое и сольное народное пение, дирижирование и педагогика.
После завершения концертно-исполнительской деятельности посвятила себя организации и проведению гастрольных туров и концертных мероприятий Московского Государственного Университета Культуры и Искусства и «Москонцерта» (
Продолжила свою работу в качестве артистического директора Культурно-развлекательного центра “Golden Palace”, заведующего труппой Государственного театра киноактера ( и ведущего специалиста по концертной работе Московской областной филармонии (
В настоящее время в качестве специалиста по административной и гастрольной деятельности сотрудничает с Государственным академическим театром «Русская песня» (
Имеет большой опыт работы с эстрадными, народными, джазовыми и классическими исполнителями, концертными организациями и фестивалями, является инициатором и организатором концертных туров.
Елена заинтересована в осуществлении обмена культурными мероприятиями и проектами между Россией и Западом.

Graduated in Piano, Music Therapy, Master of Arts in Music Pedagogy, she is the founder and president of the Rome- based Italian Music and Health Association. The passion for music and interacting with people has always been at the core of her personality and has defined her character and professional profile. For more than twenty years she has devoted herself to teaching and at the same time she worked as artistic and musical manager in the Vatican City. For ten years he has organised solo, chamber and symphonic concerts at the famous Sala Nervi in Vatican City, involving artists and Institutions from all over the world.

Raquel Jiménez Sola is a pianist and musicologist with more than ten years of experience as a performer and teacher. She holds a Masters degree in Music, Dance and Theatre Management which has allowed her to work temporarily for the department of the Fundación Juan March in Madrid and for Mtro. Pablo Heras-Casado as personal assistant and manager. Her passion for intercultural projects and for finding new means of communicating through music lies at the heart of her musicological investigation work and has led to exciting collaborations with groups and artists such as the Galería Ensemble, In Tempore Abesbatza Choir, Teatro Bajo la Arena Theatre, Julián Jiménez Spanish dancer, or conductor Davide Levi.

Matteo Suzzi (Imola, 1977) is the creator and builder of TeoTronico and other robots designed for edutainment. His passion for robots was born when he was a child. He began to give substance to his imagination giving shape to mechatronic objects of all sorts, reusing everything that came to hand: from pieces of blenders to remote controls, radio alarms and other appliances. Stripped by R2D2, the famous Star Wars robot, he soon arrived at the design and self-production of robots for entertainment and learning. In 2007 he founded Teotronica, a company specializing in the design and construction of entertainment robots. Keeping up with the times is the philosophy of Teotronica and the use of new technologies on modeling and 3D printing are proof of this. Very sensitive to issues related to environmental sustainability, Matteo Suzzi is also active in environmental education projects for schools, such as “Riciclarobot” and “Robidone”.